Monday, June 10, 2013

Angels Chemistry

Chemistry has many concepts and tricky things to it that might be hard to understand the first time but as you progressively work at it you will be able to learn many things.

    • Learning compounds and formulas for them are not the easiest thing to do because yes, you are adding to compounds to make one, but cannot forget to bring along the charges each one has and level them out so that its equal

    • I am having a hard time trying to combine two elements to form one but also must not forget to bring along the charges of each element. They both have charges which means in the formula it will have a charge for both. I have somewhat learned how to do this and i will explain briefly. Taking an element such as Magnesium Fluoride and you are trying to solve for the formula then you either look at a periodic table and find both elements and each one has a charge. Magnesium has a charge of 2, and Fluoride has -1. Now they both have to equal so add another Fluoride molecule to make it -2. So for final your Formula for Magnesium Fluoride is MgF2.

Types of chemical reactions.

  • This lab we had to explore different types of chemical reactions by mixing or adding substances together to observe in the end what happens. we had to choose our own substances from a list of different types and then evaluate the suitability of each reaction chosen to demonstrate the particular reaction type.

  • this is a picture of one reaction we did which was, Baking soda and vinegar


    Paper mill waste.

    The problem is that the town generates and an objectionable odor. In this lab I have to find a way to either make what the paper mill generates into something that could be useful or try to get rid of an objectionable odor. I ran a couple of test to see what was in this SPN Sludge and its N/a but it contains.

    • Cellulose (wood pulp)
    • Calcium Carbonate(lime)
    • Silicon (clay)
    • Aluminum
    I first felt it and it crumbled in my hand as I suspected it to, it gave like a lint feel to it like when u feel inside your pants pocket after you got them out of a dryer. The color was gray and dry but small enough to crumble. I grabbed 5ml of the SPN sludge and mixed it with 5 ml water then I burned it on top of a wire gauze which was above a bunsen burner for 10 minutes. I took the sludge out and it was dry and hard but together. it wasn't that strong it still crumbled but not as much.

    I couldn't do much with that so I found something that would create a hard bond when things were put together so the idea of glue came into the picture. Elmers glue has Polyvinyl acetate or (PVA) which is rubbery synthetic polymer. Elmers glue has many ingredients but most of its formulas contain polymers and is basically a large molecule that is often described as being long strands such as spaghetti. Some polymers are naturally sticky depending on how they are made but other have certain ingredients like tackifiers to make them more sticky. But you must have the right balance of polymers and tackifiers to make strong and sticky glue. By doing the first test with water I figured out that it absorbs water or any liquid when with the PSN sludge.

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